14 March 2008

Create Cool Smoke Effect with Photoshop

To create a smoke effect, you don't need any additional plugin, what you need is just a Photoshop CS2 (or later version) and some creativity!

Let's begin:

  1. Prepare a photo for the background. In this project, I took my burnt pizza as background.. Uhh, what a chaos but it's okay, because of this mess, I know how to make this cool smoke effect!!
  2. Create a crude jaggy smoke shape using Polygonal Lasso Tool in a new layer. Then give the shape Linear Gradient colour ranging from grey to white.
  3. Now brush all corners using Dodge Tool (set the Range to Highlights and Exposure to 50%).
  4. Go to Filter > Distort > Wave, then set the Number of Generators to 4, Wavelength Min to 10 and Max to 250, and Amplitude Min to 15 and Max to 35. At last, set both Scale to 100%. Click Randomize until you get some realistic smoke shape.
  5. Now go to Edit > Fade Wave.. and change the Opacity to 50%. After this, change the Layer Opacity (on the top corner of the Layers window) to 50% as well.
  6. At the end, you just need to Smudge the smoke with 50% Opacity and Normal Mode. Do this until the smoke become more realistic. Here's the example of finished smoke effect:
Nice eh? I'll return with other photo trick next time!


Anonymous said...

hey! I love your blog, it helps me a lot. Anyway I don't have photoshop, but would like to get familiar with it. can I know your email address to ask about some of computers problem

Anonymous said...

Very impressive blog you have! I love Photoshop tutorials, I plan to start using it some day soon.. thanks for your lessons!

Anonymous said...

What a refreshing blog design and full of quality photoshop tutorials also i have managed to learn the smoke effect one thanks.

Anonymous said...

will u please add more tutorials on photoshop,powerpoint for beginners,and how to make HTML?thx

Anonymous said...

wih dede..jago abis photoshopnya..haha..