28 March 2008

Sweeney Todd - Sweet Revenge Turns Bitter

Tim Burton has been making unique movies, most of them are artistic if not odd, gothic-themed, and colourful. Some of his greatest works are The Nightmare Before Christmas, Batman Returns, Sleepy hollow, Planet of the Apes, Edward Scissorhands and many more. Now he returns with his newest movie, again with Johnny Depp as the main actor, in a surreal atmosphere combined with melancholy musical tunes.

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street is a movie adapted from Stephen Sondheim's musical based on the 19th century legend of Sweeney Todd. It is a story of a barber who returns to London from imprisonment of false charges. He returns with vengeance after his wife and daughter's suffering at the hands of Judge Turpin. He then met a widow who later helps him seek his vengeance by mutually giving him her place to become a barbershop, and in return Sweeney gave her "meat" from the dead customers which he killed for her declined pie business. The story goes until he finally get his revenge, but soon he realised that his revenge is actually a mistake (I am not going to give a spoiler for the rest of the storyline here).

Sweeney Todd is a musical drama, but don't get wrong, maybe what you think of musical drama is like The Sound of Music or Disney's Enchanted, and if that's what you think, you'll be totally wrong. Sweeney Todd is a very dark musical drama, sadistic, bloody, and full of sorrow. It was set in a dark side of London, which I would say that the atmosphere is like Sleepy Hollow or Edward's Scissorhand. Despite of excessive gore in this movie, I found it is artistic than loathsome. And the music itself is entertaining and operatic, which fits the theme.

This movie is surely another great work from Tim Burton. I love this movie for it's uniqueness, great storyline, and great musical performance by the actors. And I would recommend this movie to anyone (except children) especially who seek an alternative musical drama movie.

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